I went out to the site this morning to see the progress. The trusses over the garage were up and more of the framing was completed. The joists were up over the left side of the house where the bedrooms are, and some of the subflooring had already been put down. The stairs from the first to the second floor were up as well.
Rusty said they had some problems with the divider wall between the master bedroom and the dressing area. Well, not problems per se, but Rusty was not happy with the ceiling joists and how they came out. They tore it out twice and were working on the third attempt, but he was happy with how they were going in at that point.
Rusty and I walked through the house. I told him about Dawn's desire to remove the doorway in the living room and turn the hallway closet into just a hallway. We talked about how it could be done, but agreed with me that it would be an odd layout for the flow.