Last Friday was a full day. I stopped by the cabinetmaker's and picked out the hardware. He showed me what had been completed so far, and mentioned he thought he should be finished around the 23rd.
Later in the day I stopped by Lowe's to pick up the 'special order' tile that we bought. Rusty met me there since he was going to take the tile back with him so it would not be sitting in an open house. Instead of 10 boxes, there were only 4. The lady helping me (Rebekah) called to a store in Durham and found that they had 33 boxes (so why did we have to wait a month to get 4 boxes?). They set aside several for me. I actually asked for 9 boxes since I think I underestimated the amount, and Rebekah talked to their store manager who agreed to let me purchase them at the discounted price we originally paid for them with my dad's discount.
I went to northern Durham to pick up the 9 boxes on Saturday, and dropped them off in the garage on Sunday morning.
All the sanding has been completed. The walls are dusty, but the painters will take care of all that. I can't imagine how much joint compound was used, since there were at least 15 empty buckets . In the living room.
Saturday evening we also picked out the paint colors. We also decided that we would just prime and paint the basement ourselves to save money.
Today Rusty sent us a link to pick out the garage door.
I think this week we should be getting hardwood floors, and the painting should start, then the cabinets. I'm not 100% sure what the order is exactly. For example, I think the tile in the basement has to be in before the cabinet can go in, but I'm not sure. Which reminds me, we haven't gotten an estimate back from Tile Guy #2 yet.
Rusty was asking about a draw last week, but he wants to wait until the cabinets are in. That should (hopefully) mean that another draw--our third--will be next week.