Yesterday we ironed out the details for the propane tank, so we can cross that off the list. I sent the details to Rusty and he is taking care of getting that done.
I also had to go out to the house and meet the guy doing the grading and landscaping. He moved a ton of dirt (literally, I'm sure) so the drop off the back of the concrete pad is nowhere near where it was last week. I did not like the way the driveway around the pad was going, so I told him not to worry about that, which he agreed with.
He also mentioned that the seeding and straw should hopefully be done by Friday. Another major item about to be completed.
I talked to Rusty a little later. He said the floors got their last coat yesterday and they are drying today. Rusty is going to call Alamance Glass today to see if the shower glass arrived, and to get timelines in that installation as well as the shelving.
The painters will be out there Saturday to finish off the final painting.
We have passed all inspections except for the final inspection for the Certificate of Occupancy.